“Poetry is like riding a bike!Once you get moving, you don’t want to stop.” — Adisa Skip to Videos All | Poetry | 07/02/2025 Did Walt Whitman predict a Trump victory? 07/02/2025 Adisa & Eliska Sky merge poetry and photography on the Power of hair. 07/02/2025 Adisa in Scotland where the streets are paved in poetry! 24/04/2024 Suitcase of dreams 09/01/2024 Adisa The Poetry pedlar & Paul Laurence Dunbar discuss WHY WE WEAR MASKS!!! 21/12/2023 Adisa cycles to Walthamstow Wetlands in search of Percey Shelley 21/12/2023 Cycling the grand union canal in Birmigham on a Brompton 21/12/2023 The Adisa The Verbalizer at the Ripon poetry festival 21/12/2023 Cycling in Epping forest inspired by a Langston Hughes’s poem (Episode1) Poetry, • 20/11/2023 Cycling on National Poetry day 2023 Poetry, • 10/11/2023 Adisa the Verbalizer talks War/Peace and the power of Breath 29/12/2023 Our Stories: Reflecting on Black British History in Four Objects | Museum of London